Tiziano Vecelli (1488-1576)
Tiziano Vecelli (1488-1576)
Titian was acknowledged as the master painter in Venice during the period we now call the High Renaissance.
He received early training from prominent Venetian painters including both Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, and absorbed much about color and technique from his affiliation with Giorgione. His work is characterized by pure colors and idealized beauty in nature and humans. He also pioneered sketching quick underpaintings, rather than detailed underdrawings, when faced with a blank canvas.
Titian became the official painter to the Republic in 1516, but bigger fame arose in the 1530s when Emperor Charles V commissioned a series of portraits. Charles was so favorably impressed that he conferred a knighthood on the artist, and it became almost mandatory for anyone of the nobility to be "done" by Titian. As a result, his works were distrubuted from Spain to Bavaria, and heavily throughout Italy.
Though Titian occasionally traveled, the vast bulk of his work was executed in Venice. In his later years, he was much sought after to paint "Venus" figures for wealthy patrons. Titian's work gradually became ever more free, and he seemed to paint from pure emotion as if nothing ever needed to be over-deliberated and anything could be (and frequently was) painted over until the artist felt satisfied. This liberating mindset, along with his masterful techniques, made Titian an inspiration to - and influence of - many artists who came after him.
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