Karel Van Manderen (1548-1606)
Karel Van Manderen (1548-1606)
Dutch School. Painter, poet and writer. He worked in the Mannerist tradition and was a defender of the quality of this art. He is world-famous because of his "schilderboeck" . Born near Kortrijk; 1574-1577 in Italy; 1583-1603 in Haarlem; from 1603 in Amsterdam where he died. Career disrupted by the wars, moving around Flanders. About 30 paintings survive, so mainly known as prolific designer for prints. Pupil of Pieter Vlerick (c.1539-1581) and Lucas de Heere. he was for Flemish-Dutch painters what Vasari was for the Italians: A historic writer who described life and work of the artist living in his century.
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